Digital Storytelling

I am certain that many educators are no strangers to the merits of digital storytelling and storyboarding, especially for getting started to write prose or to organize a script for a video or speaking project. But, is there more? Let’s find out. If you’ve ever watched a graphic facilitator (think Brandy Agerbeck of weave…

MOOC Launches: Enhancing Writing and Speaking Skill in English

Keep on eye on for the August release of Enhancing Writing and Speaking Skills in English by Tecnológico de Monterrey. This is a 4-week course designed by English professors that introduces academic, business and community involvement themes in a very approachable manner with the goal of improving essential writing and speaking skills and sub-skills. This…

Prepa Tec Conference & National “Profesor Inspirador,” ITESM

What an honor to be selected as a finalist in Tecnológico de Monterrey’s “Profesor Inspirador” nation-wide award. Just being on the list inspires me. I only hope there is not a swimsuit competition! I’ll also be presenting MOOCs-4-Languages, Enhancing Writing & Speaking Skills in English, during the successful practices sessions at ITESM’s VI Congreso Prepa…

Flip Your Classroom with ScreenFlow

For educators who are looking for a Mac-only awesome tool for making videos for flipped classroom lessons, I highly recommend ScreenFlow, which was just updated to version 6 last week adding a bunch of new features. This is my main go-to screencasting and green-screening program. If you don’t have a Mac OSX system, Camtasia is…

Free Online Course: OpenFlip Spring 2016

Ken Bauer is at it again with “OpenFlip Spring 2016” starting May 30th (join at any time). I highly recommend this 5-week, free online course to discover more about flipped classrooms, blogging, and connecting with other professionals. Anyone, anywhere may register for this 100% online course. Registration is now open. Watch this introduction from a previous…

News: The 21st-Century English Teacher

Just dropping a line to share these two online newspapers that I curate:  The 21st-Century English Teacher and The EFL Times. I have been publishing this eclectic collection of hand-picked articles on education, technology, and the art and mastery of teaching English as a foreign language for many, many years now. There is always something interesting…

Blended Learning & MOOCs

Turning students onto MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) is one of the best ways to extend learning beyond the classroom walls. MOOCs allow students to participate at a pace convenient to their busy schedules, collaborate and share ideas with others, and get immediate feedback. Since each lesson typically begins with an instructional video, MOOCs are…

Lego 4 Storytelling & More

When I was a kid, Lego was strictly the tool of choice for creating fortresses, vehicles, hats, or whatever the imagination could muster up. Back then in the 60s, I didn’t know that one day there would be a movie made entirely with Lego and Lego actors or that Lego would explode into a million…

Zaption – Flip Your Lessons

UPDATE: Zaption is closing down on September 30th, 2016. Zaption is a very interesting Web tool for making flipped lesson videos. The basic package is free to use. You just insert YouTub videos directly from Zaption then integrate photos, audio, text, and interactive elements such as multiple choice questions, discussion questions, open-ended question, checkboxes, etc….

Award: Inspiring Professor 2016

A BIG thanks to all my students, mentors, and all the many other inspiring professors that have helped me along the way. I couldn’t have done it without you. A big hug for each and every one of you. ¡Muchísimas Gracias! Profesor Inspirador 2016

Plan a Flipped Lesson

For Unit 5, we have been tasked with planning a flipped lesson for our classes. I typically work with advanced English students that are learning English as a foreign language, so this flipped lesson specifically targets those students. I also think that, especially if the aim of the lesson is to develop expression of opinion…

Professional Educator

During week 4 of our flipped learning online course, we are looking at some of the aspects and qualities of a professional educator, specifically: I make myself available to all students for individual, small group, and class feedback in real time as needed. I conduct ongoing formative assessments during class time through observation and by…